Monday, 21 May 2012

Crafting - the letter 'I'

Imogen and I have finally ventured into the land of glue.

Imogen would have gone there a long time ago if she had her way, but hubby and I have tried to avoid it. She has known for a long time what the glue stick is, and that her dad and I don't want her to have it without us.

Last week I succombed and we tried a collage with coloured paper on the letter 'I'. I am rather certain that I did more of this collage than Imogen. She seemed more interested in the glue stick with its lid off than in actually sticking anything on the paper with the glue.

I freehand drew the letter 'I', and used the glue stick on the inside of the letter, with Imogen watching. I put down a couple of pieces of paper, hoping she might understand how it worked, but I wasn't communicating something properly as she kept wanting to put paper down where I had not put glue.

Eventually I just put glue all over the paper and she stuck where she liked. She was also quite into putting the paper onto the glue stick and then sticking it down that way.

This was her final masterpiece - with a little help from her Dad and me!

Yesterday we tried something else. I came across this post for glue over the weekend - home made natural glue -  and thought it sounded pretty good. Especially as it should last for a while and Imogen can accidently eat it and won't be ill. She's not really one for putting stuff like glue in her mouth, but you can't always be sure.

Anyways, I whipped some up in the morning while Imogen was catching up on Play School, and we took it outside once it had cooled down enough.

I had picked up a couple of rolls of brown paper a few months back, thinking of crafting, but today was the first day it has been used also. It will be coming out again very soon I think!

Here is Imogen soon after we started:

I stuck the paper down with sticky tape, but it didn't work particularly well. Next time I will use packing tape.

Imogen thought she might try pouring the glue on the paper.

She also felt that the paper wasn't ripped up small enough.

This was as far as we got today.

I wasn't sure when we finished up if I might try again tomorrow with the same page, but I think I might leave it as is, and start a new one. When the 'I' is dry, I plan to blue tac it to the wall above her play table inside. 

Num Nummies Monday #6

I was so hopeful that the baby would have come by now that I attempted to schedule this post. Well, that didn't work - I think it has something to do with timing, as I'm in Australia and I think it is more suited to US times. I will try to figure that one out.

As it turns out, I needed to change my original plan anyway, as my parents are arriving today to help out with last minute things before the baby arrives, and to look after Imogen when bubba does choose to come. I am hoping to clear out most of the freezer again and cook some fresh things for it this week.

Menu plan for Monday 21st May - Sunday 27th May

Monday: Curried sausages and rice (freezer meal)

Tuesday: Shepherds pie (this will finish off this freezer meal)

Wednesday: BBQ lamb chops and sausages, and potato bake (all in the freezer)

Thursday: Red curry chicked and rice

Friday: Enchildas and rice (will be making the enchildas for the freezer on Friday morning)

Saturday: Another curry

Sunday: Cheese on toast

This baby had better come by the time I finish with all these curries!

This morning we tried a new slow cooker porridge - yummo! It was one with apple in it, and I am loving all things apple at the moment. In the last ten days I have made apple sauce, apple butter (super sweet), apple pie pork chops and now this breakfast.

Of course I made slightly too much, as I thought I should probably follow the recipe before I change any quantities for the three of us. Last week with the banana one I changed it, and I should have made it complete first. I love porridge so I don't mind having a little too much! But there is only so much I can eat right now. I should try putting some in the fridge and reheating in the afternoon.

Breakfasts this week will be cereal, toast, porridge, and toasted fruit loaf or fruit cake. Lunches will probably be mainly sandwiches, but I think I will also organise some pies and french toast, especially for Imogen, as I am going to try to feed her and I before her lunchtime nap. We'll see how that goes. My Dad eats lunch early so we might try to slot in with him.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Num Num Nummies Monday #5... a bit late

Ah well, better late than never.

It is mid May, and I would like this baby to come soon. So I have done a couple of weeks meal planning this time. I will put up just this week's, and attempt to schedule next week's for Monday.

Menu plan for Monday 14th May - Sunday 20th May

Monday: Red curry chicken and rice

Tuesday: Apple pie pork chops, with mash and veg (but I just make them fresh)

Wednesday: Santa fe chicken (freezer meal)

Thursday: Lamb chops and potato bake (bake from the freezer)

Friday: Curry chicken and rice

Saturday: Meatballs, veg sauce and pasta (meatballs and sauce from the freezer)

Sunday: Cheese on toast

Breakfasts will be either porridge in the slow cooker, or cereal and toast. I have made up some yummy breakfast 'cake' that is delish grilled with some butter on top. I am also planning to make fresh muffins for breakfast on Sunday, and freeze a batch at the same time.

This morning we tried this recipe - Overnight, Slow Cooker Banana, Coconut Milk Steel-Cut Oatmeal. I thought it was alright, but hubby thought a bit bland. I will definately make it again, but I might add some more of the spices. For breakfast on Monday I am going to try this one - Apple Cinnamon Steel-Cut Oatmeal.

This weekend I am planning to make some french toast sticks for the freezer, as I think I will be munching on those when the bub is born. I am also making some slices for the freezer. I made a double batch of some no bake weetbix slice on Tuesday, and I need to get a recipe from my MIL for a choc slice she brought with her a few weeks ago.

I also have a recipe for 'labour inducing cookies' - LOL! i will make those up this afternoon and munch on them. They seem to be ginger biscuits with a few other spices added in. Nothing will hurt!

I am only 38 and a bit weeks, so I not it could still be another few weeks. But as we had Imogen via C-section I am not particularly wanting to go over my due date. And I will be booking in for another c-section rather than try to be induced. So I will try almost anything! No castor oil thanks.